WEEK #3 (January 14th- 18th)
Monday: We began our week as we do every week turning in our homework, and taking our vocabulary test, we also began our presentation on the Atlantic slave trade. Homework was reading the first 1/2 of Chapter 3 in our Text through page 86 POWERPOINT
Tuesday: We finished our section on the Slave trade and a timeline of worldwide abolition Homework was finishing Chapter 3 of the text
Wednesday. We started our section on mass hysteria and the Salem Witch Trials POWERPOINT
Thursday: We played a game of Witch Hunt, and discussed the phenomenon over time
Friday: We discussed the format of a 5 paragraph essay and introduced Essay #1 in the gradebook due next Friday 7/8/17
Week #3 Homework:
Read Chapter 3 then type or handwrite a 1-2 sentence description of each of the 20 key terms/place/events/people/ on Page 96 at the end of Chapter 3 this will be due on Tuesday
A History of Me Essay Instructions:
You are young, your life doesn't necessarily have enough craziness to justify a full on Biography just yet, but why let that stop you?
The first essay we will be writing is a 5-7 paragraph personal
biography. Written in APA format this 3rd person account of what your life looked like from to beginning to end, remember this is not an autobiography where you look back at your own life. To get started I would review THIS 10 paragraph biographical essay of George Washington.
The point of this essay is to start by imagining a best case scenario for your life, and a worst case scenario then force yourseld to imagine what your life will be.
There are not rules against being imaginative in this assignment, knowing how fast the world is changing means knowing that the next 50-90 years will be a dynamic and exciting time to be alive, feel free to have fun writing this future history.
Please review the below resources to help you organize your thoughts and writing.
5 Paragraph Essay Outline
Thinking Historically - The Five C's
How to write a Biography in APA
Scoring Rubric
Standards Addressed:
1. Use the historical method of inquiry to ask questions, evaluate primary and secondary sources, critically analyze and interpret data, and develop interpretations defended by evidence
2. The key concepts of continuity and change, cause and effect, complexity, unity and diversity over time
a. Evaluate continuity and change over the course of world history (DOK 1-3) b. Investigate causes and effects of significant events in world history (DOK 1-2)
Essential Questions:
What Puritan beliefs and practices allowed for an event like the Salem Witch Trials to occur?
How and why did America’s popular opinion change about slavery over time? What changes occurred that reflected over this time period?