WEEK #14 (April 9-13)
Monday: Mr Wilson had us complete a discussion on the dropping of bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Tuesday: We watched videos and completed a packet relating to American society during the threat of atomic war
Wednesday: This class included a
Thursday: We explored the role that technology, transportation and resources played in the industrialization of the US, and we were our first homework assignment: Read chapter 17 in the text P.649-684 and chose a key term to write one Paragraph describing a key term from P.684
Friday: The week wrapped up as Mr Wilson went through the cold war in Europe PowerPoint
Unit 1 Vocabulary
Cold War - a state of tension between nations without actual fighting - between the US and Soviet Union 1945 – 1990.
Communism - an economic system where the government owns the means of production.
Capitalism (FREE-ENTERPRISE SYSTEM) - citizens can own their own businesses with hope of making a profit
United Nations - international peacekeeping organization developed after WWII. Member nations agreed to bring disputes to the UN for peaceful settlement.
Satellite States - nations controlled by the Soviet Union during the Cold War as a buffer to a united Germany. Ex: Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania.
Truman Doctrine - $400 million in military aid was given to Turkey and Greece so they would not be taken over by communist rebels.
Marshall Plan - $12 billion given to Western European countries to rebuild after WWII. Now they would not have to turn to the Soviet Union for help and become communist.
Containment - stop communism from spreading; contain communism to the areas where it exists. US foreign policy started by President Truman.
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization. US formed a military alliance with friendly nations – mostly in Western Europe- member nations pledged to defend one another if they were attacked.
Warsaw Pact - a military alliance of eastern European nations formed by the Soviet Union in 1955
Berlin Blockade (Soviet Blockade) - In 1948 Stalin closed all roads, railways, and river routes from West Germany to West Berlin.
Berlin Airlift - United States used airplanes to bring food, fuel, medicine, and other supplies into West Berlin for a year until Stalin lifted the blockade.
Domino Theory - President Eisenhower’s belief that once one country falls to communism the surrounding nations would also fall.
Superpower – a country with enough military, political, and economic power to influence other countries.
Star Wars - the development of weapons that could shoot down Soviet missiles from space.
détente - period in the 1970’s of reduced hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union
SALT Treaty - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. US & USSR signed a treaty limiting the number of nuclear warheads & missiles they built.
War Powers Act - required the President to get approval from Congress before sending troops to an armed struggle.
Week #1 Homework:
Read Ch. 17 of the Text and write one solid paragraph about a key term or person at the end.
Standards Addressed:
1. Use the historical method of inquiry to ask questions, evaluate primary and secondary sources, critically analyze and interpret data, and develop interpretations defended by evidence
2. The key concepts of continuity and change, cause and effect, complexity, unity and diversity over time
a. Evaluate continuity and change over the course of world history (DOK 1-3) b. Investigate causes and effects of significant events in world history (DOK 1-2) c. Analyze the complexity of events in world history (DOK 2-3) d. Examine and evaluate
Essential Questions:
Equality - Is there one American Experience?
Economic Systems - To what extent does the American economy shape the American experience?
Reform Movements - How do people affect change in their society?