QUALITY STANDARD III Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students.
Knowledge of current developmental science, the ways in which learning takes place and the appropriate levels of intellectual, social and emotional development of their students.
Teachers plan and consistently deliver instruction that draws on results of student assessments, is aligned to academic standards and advances students’ level of content knowledge and skills.
Teachers use appropriate methods to assess what each student has learned, including formal and informal assessments, and use results to plan further instruction.
Teachers demonstrate a rich knowledge of current research on effective instructional practices to meet the developmental and academic needs of their students.
Teachers thoughtfully integrate and utilize appropriate available technology in their instruction to maximize student learning
Teachers establish and communicate high expectations for all students and plan instruction that helps students develop critical-thinking and problem solving skills.
Teachers provide students with opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership qualities.
Teachers communicate effectively, making learning objectives clear and providing appropriate models of language.